
New Toys

A day after launching my very first blog. How exciting!

It isn't, really, but tell that to my id. Or inner child. Or whatever your particular branch of psychology decided to name it. Just wouldn't listen! It was all, "did any of my friends comment yet?"

The day grew increasingly gone, when finally, I remembered that I have not actually given this link to anyone, my close friends included. The ones that are the reason for this blog's very existence. I wrote Mon about it while I was waiting for Jules and her boyfriend Oz to arrive, then they arrived and the notice got stuck fast in my gmail draftbox. The letter said:
You're the first one I'm telling, but you probably won't be the first one to know about it, since Jules and Oz are coming tonight...
Actually, the letter said something involving a quite larger consonant count, but the gist was the same. Of course, the letter had to be rewritten, since the saved draft was too drafty, and had to be saved.

Then, seeing as how I actually had some friends over, I mentioned how I had started a blog, but I did not give the URL. I do not know why. I might have forgotten. I might have thought that speaking in URLs is bound to make me an even bigger geek than... no, can't be it, they already know exactly how big a geek I am. There is a chance that I wanted them to be interested enough to ask me about it, and let the subtext carry my wish. However, the subtext that appeared was, seemingly, a puny weakling that could not even carry a vowel. Happens to me frequently, as I have come to realise. Another round of mails followed. The work which was due shortly stood ignored on my disk as I fretted about the things I might have forgotten this time.

But an hour later, there were still no comments. The hit tracker I installed did not even register one, after I told it not to count my own. My gmailbox remained steadfastly empty. I asked myself (as I'm sure you already noticed I tend to do), what would a typical blogger do in the situation like this?

Why, put it into his blog, of course.

Consequently, you are reading these as my thoughts for the day. Rather pointless. However, most things in life are. Which is how you can tell that this blog is Genuine™.

If in doubt:
Version: 3.1
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