
Random Thoughts of Preference

Not one of the good days. We stayed in this morning. The clouds lay heavy, dark and pendulous. And yesterday we shopped, so we couldn't go today again, especially since Nisha exhausted his purchase plans as well as his wallet. So we stayed in this morning. Preference was played extensively. I have been accused of cheating because I started using Arabic numerals to keep my score. Nisha has been accused of cheating because he could play almost every hand. Nina has been accused of cheating because no amount of bad luck could explain her abysmal cards. And even when she does get a good hand, someone bids over her. Usually someone boyfriendly. Thus one of the spokenmost expressions in the last couple of days, since I taught them Preference: You're sabotaging me!

Otherwise, nothing new. The TV is usually tuned to EuroNews or Croatian TV, to catch the Syrian-Croatian relations. Heard nothing yet. Which is good.

Nothing much elsewise, other than the surprise and disgust over my pancake filling recipe (lemon juice and sugar, so you can scream in horror as well, dear readers). Pancakes are yet to be flipped, so I may still convince someone in the deliciousness of ad-hoc lemon jam.

I read much less than I thought I would. I bought a Steven King for the trip, but haven't even finished the first story yet. Strange how that is. Probably all the trips — I'm too scared to read in a car, because I'm a highly evolved lean mean toxin-detecting machine.

And we come back to the topic of shopping. To say that Syria is cheap (as I have been saying up to now) is such a lie. Syria is bloody expensive, if only from the fact that the low prices and interesting items tempt you to buy a lot more than would be prudent. I'm going to get some more trinkets before we get back home, but I think the wisest thing for me now would be to make a prio list, and budget my further purchases. Or I'd spend all my riches today, and live the next week on alms.

It seems we're going shopping now. Pray for me. I don't care to which deity, as long as it's not a patron of spendthrifty shopping.

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