
Sento update

This will seem familiar to my regular readers. But don't go "omg, he got lost again" just yet. Technically, I didn't get lost. Sento did. I knew exactly where it should be, but it did not have the common decency to meet me there. Instead, all I saw were some construction sites. (Or maybe it was there all along, but hiding from me, using the construction site curtains for cover. Tricky bastard, if so.)

So, I did not manage to get into a sento yet. Stay tuned.

Oh, another thing, about the Dobro (the Croatian restaurant). This, too, will seem familiar. We got the VIP treatment. Because I was Croatian. The Croatian chef himself came out of the kitchen to serve us our meals himself, and he was explaining every meal to my friend. And we got just a teeny bit extra, since we were splitting each dish in two, so that we both got a full set (like, we didn't need to worry about sharing a prawn). And when my gourmet friend expressed an interest in Croatian cuisine, the chef gave him a Vegeta cookbook! (I'm still unclear about where he's supposed to find Vegeta, but I guess it's his problem.)

Oh yeah. The prawns were a part of the mixed grill for two, which we also ordered. Chabapuchicchi were also part of that, as well as some chicken meat wrapped in prosciutto, peppers, eggplant, pork, potato, and I have no clue what else any more. Various, I tell you. Sundry.

And, for an appetizer, beef pate. Which I did not quite enjoy, prefering my pate to include at least some liver. Preferably 15% or more. And maybe, make it a pig product. (No pate in Tokyo. At least not in any obvious places. Sniff.) Wasn't bad, I'd just have prefered something else.

Anyway, the dinner was yummy, and we were treated especially well, so, what's not to like. Except the bill. Did I mention Bill? It's like Bill crashed our party, but we knew in advance Bill was coming, so we were dreading the moment all evening?

Naah, just joking. It was a lot, but no regrets. Okay, maybe I'd prefered my Canadian friend was of a smitten female persuasion. :) But if wishes were fishes...

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